Do you ever notice that the cast of fast food commercials differs fairly significantly from the normal clientele in the said restaurants? I just saw a KFC commercial that was full of trendy, young adults - people I usually see in Wicker Park or Lincoln Park when someone or something forces me to go to these neighborhoods. I want to go to the KFC buffet that I used to stop at in Fairbault, MN (between Mason City and Duluth) and film a live, on site commercial; you will have a much different restaurant experience via your television screen.
I like how FOX is promoting the 3 p.m. game as the "Game of the Week." It would be better to promote it as the "Game You Fall Asleep During Unless Your Team Is Playing, and Sometimes You Still Nod Off." I mean, truth in advertising.
So, I created a word cloud for the church bulletin using, and as I was creating it, I saw that you could put your blog url in and create a word cloud of your blog; I obviously couldn't resist.

So, you can tell I'm quite a writer/wordsmith because "like," "look," "just," "think," and "one" are my most commonly used words. Add "Father God" and you've got yourself a really bad extemporaneous prayer.
The only good news about the Vikings this week: I didn't have to watch them implode on live TV, I just kept getting the score updates via the scrolling scoreboard at the bottom of the screen. As my friend Treebeard says, "There is no curse in elvish, entish, or the tongues of men for this treachery!" Ahh...the feeling of constant disappointment that comes with being a devotion to Minnesota sports!
Well, I decided to join 2011 and pick up A Game of Thrones. We'll see what all the hype is about.
I'm going to think about what to eat for "dinner." I hope I can come up with something "good." Later.
Yeah, well, my grandparents used to sign my birthday cards:
Grandma & Grandpa
Maybe they were being passive-aggressive?