Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Jesus loves me this I know, for the weather tells me so...

Yes, I am convinced of the love of God by this beautiful, balmy weather! As soon as this weather hits my mind is filled with images of pumpkins, plaid, apples, football, chili, sweaters, snow, and yes, even Christmas. This September-December is without a doubt my favorite part of the year. My soul is autumnal to its core (with maybe a bit of winter thrown in to keep things fresh). Sitting outside on Labor Day with a chill in the air just brought a smile to my face that would not go away. I know many are mourning the passing of summer, but as for me, I bid farewell to the heat and a warm welcome to the chills of autumn/winter. I'm going to kick it off by taking a pumpkin spice latte bath - non-fat, obviously.

As already mentioned, football season is on the way. While I'm not holding my breath for either the Vikings or the Golden Gophers (although they did hang tough with USC!), Sundays are just better with football to look forward to after church. I'm hoping I'll be able to catch the Vikings game this week since they're playing on the West Coast (San Diego) and will be on after the Bears.

I got a parking ticket yesterday (I know, big surprise). What was different about this one is I wasn't tricked by street cleaning or permit parking, I just parked in a clearly marked metered parking spot and acted like I was a time traveller or Encino Man (one of Brendan Fraser's best roles; I don't know how the academy missed it.) who never had heard of parking meters. I just walked right into the restaurant like I was a foreign diplomat who had parking meter immunity. It makes me wonder how I manage to make it as an independent adult. So, here's another $50, Chicago. If I took all the money that I have paid in parking tickets and gave it as a one-time gift to the city, I think I would at least be able to put a plaque on something.

(I am now starting this post about three hours later - after going out to dinner)

Well, I just went out to eat and about ten minutes in realized I had AGAIN forgotten to pay for parking! Luckily this time I hadn't been ticketed yet, but seriously, what is my problem! Where is my head? I should just start throwing money away, literally taking it and putting it in the garbage or flushing it down the toilet!

I'm wearing a cardigan right now and loving life. I think there is a direct correlation, but I probably couldn't prove it.

Well, I am going to work on a bit more church stuff and then maybe reward myself with a trip to DQ. It's been far too long.


  1. I can so relate to you with the parking ticket thing, it's becoming a problem for me also. Just dumb, really. Also, Dave, you made me laugh real hard out loud.


  2. Fall: my favorite season. Hands down. Time for a new poll on this blog. Maybe something football related? Who's going to the Superbowl? Which new NFL rule bites the big one (if you had to choose just one)? Will Brandon Meriweather quit being an idiot now that he's in Chicago?
