Speaking of baked goods, HuffPost is running a headline right now entitled, "Rent or Food?" While it's a fascinating and worthwhile topic, it is undercut by the picture of an older gentleman debating whether to buy a brownie or cookie at a local bakery.

At least show someone in a department that does not consist almost exclusively of items on the top of the food pyramid with the corresponding recommendation, "use sparingly." Just sayin'.
I'm almost finished with a documentary on Glenn Gould, a eccentric and amazing classical pianist from the 1960s-1980s best known for his mastering of Bach (and reinterpretation). He was a hypochondriac, sat so low in relation to the piano that his father built him a special chair, and he gave up performing live rather early in his career. The only problem with his recording career was that he could not keep himself from humming and singing along as he played. Here's a clip:
So, I've been listening to a lot of his playing recently, hums and all. Also, watching it helped me put some of my own idiosyncrasies in proper perspective.
Well, I'm going to get ready for our class forum tonight. Later.
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