Monday, January 7, 2013

Paisley Jo!!, Minnesota Sports, and New Stand-Up Material

First and best, Anna and Peter had their baby! Paisley Jo was born in January 5th weighing in at a healthy 8 lbs, 4 oz and stretching out to 21 1/2 inches, which happens to be the exact dimensions of her older cousin Daphne! Mom, Dad, and baby are doing great! Anna was obviously a rockstar. As usual,  I think she was named all-conference and all-state in birthing. There's probably going to be a feature in the Duluth News Tribune.  Here's a picture:

I think those are Bjorlin lips. Now I just have to figure out when I can get to Duluth and see her! Whose driving from Boston to Duluth this week?

I hope everyone had a good feast of the Epiphany yesterday. I just am so sick of how our society has commercialized Epiphany with the constant jingles, the crazy mall shopping, the lights and parties - sometimes it's just too much. And don't even get me started on the leftist/secular atheists' war on the Ascension. 

The Vikings looked pretty good, huh? Who would have thought that a back-up quarterback that hadn't taken a snap all year wouldn't be up to the challenge of a playoff game against our division rivals? The silver lining: hockey is back on! I think this is the year of the Wild - Koivu, Parise, Suter, Granlund, Backstrom - I think this is the year. I might even splurge and get NHL GameCenter, especially if they're going to give a big price break in an attempt to win back some fans after their off season stupidity. You better at least prorate it. Maybe I'll take out a second mortgage on my school loans to buy a jersey.

Parenthood is getting real, y'all. (And I use "is" in the past tense, since I'm only at the tail end of season 2. So I guess I should say, "Parenthood was getting real two years ago, y'all).

Throughout studying the liturgical life of the Church, I am more and more amazed that we (the Evangelical Covenant Church) can ordain people to Word and Sacrament without people ever being required to take a class on the sacraments. Would we ordain people if they took five classes on the sacraments and none on the Bible (since we do the opposite)? Just sayin'.

So, I just looked over at the movies I own: Lord of the Rings trilogy, Harry Potter 5, 6, 7a, and 7b, Scoop, Home Alone, Children of Men, and Adventures in Babysitting. Eat your heart out, Roger Ebert.

I hate when you have to prove you're not a robot online by typing in a series of numbers and letters they present to you in an almost unreadable fashion. First, the numbers always seem to be a creepy and grainy picture of numbers on a sketchy hotel room and the letters are almost always incomprehensible. They might as well be wingdings. This is my inner dialogue upon seeing these: "Let's see...that's an r...and that maybe is the Egyptian hieroglyph for  the Sun God Ra?...then s, yep, definitely s...then a contorted pi...and is that last one a gang symbol of some type?...Maybe the next one will be readable." That's going to be part of my stand-up routine. "What's the deal with ovaltine!?"

Well, that's all I have to say. I need to do a bit more writing and then figure out how/where to watch the college football championship tonight. I need to get a sports friend in Boston. Later!

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