Sunday, December 26, 2010

Well, Christmas in Duluth as been great with more still to come. Jessica and Isaac (sister and brother-in-law) don't get in until Wednesday night, so Christmas isn't officially being celebrated in the Bjorlin family until Thursday. Christmas Eve was spent eating dinner at my grandma's. I ended up going to both a Vineyard service and ELCA service for the Christmas Eve services. With no offense intended, contemporary services, especially on the major Church holidays, need to get back to the basics. I think that there is no reason to do anything but carols or classic Christmas hymns during a Christmas Eve service.

Christmas day was spent at my sister and brother-in-law's, Anna and Peter, out in the boondocks. We ate brunch, opened a couple presents (saving the rest for when Jess and Isaac get here), and played some games (I also took a nice nap). I got subscriptions to The Economist and The New Yorker, two pairs of smart wool socks, and a CD from Concordia-Moorhead's Christmas concert. I'm excited about all of them. Oh, we also watched The Newsies (I know, not exactly a holiday classic, but I wasn't complaining).

The rest of my time here has been spent reading and doing some writing for church. I have read:
1. The Short Reign of Pippin IV - Steinbeck
2. Once There Was a War - Steinbeck (I'm working through Steinbeck)
3. The Courage to Teach - Parker Palmer. Even though this was required for a J-term class, it was really a great read (no surprise with Palmer).

I've also been trying to put together a sermon for this next Sunday. The text is John 1 ("In the beginning was the Word"...and so on), and I thought it would come together easily. I think it's harder working on a sermon that deals with such a familiar text. Today it finally came together, and I'm going to be writing on John as an example of the Christian's need for paradox and mystery in their faith going off of the idea that the Matthew/Luke version of the Christmas story are prose while John is poetry, Matthew/Luke emphasizes Jesus' humanity and John his divinity, etc.

Also, since I have Minnesotacare (public aid health care), I only get coverage in Minnesota. So, this vacation I have had or will have a doctor's appointment, a CPAP appointment (sleep apnea stuff), dentist's appointment, and an eye appointment to buy some contacts and possibly some new glasses. I feel like I just got to Oz and they're shining my metal facade, combing out my mane, or re-stuffing my straw. Okay, going to hang out with some high school/CBC friends. Later.

1 comment:

  1. 1. Newsies is never a bad choice.
    2. TK's cousin's church in Peoria CANCELED services over the weekend cause they "knew people would be busy." ARE YOU KIDDING ME!?!?! That's a new low for contemporary worship if I've ever seen one.
