1. The United States is not a monarchy. Caroline should not be entitled to anything because of her last name. We already have found out the hard way that not everyone with the same last name as a previous senator or president is fit to be a senator or president...exhibit A:

And while it is bad enough that these dynasties exist, to simply hand someone untrained and untested a position like this without so much as an election where she will have to debate opponents is not wise.
2. She will face a tough reelection challenge. If she is appointed, she will have to face an opponent at some point, and I don't see her doing very well
3. What do we know about her views? What has she shown us? She hasn't held a job in years, why trust her to be a leader in the Senate? Is she a centrist? leftist? pacifist? hawk?
4. Um...You know...
Where have I seen a verbally-challenged person appointed to a position that they are unqualified for? Exhibit B:

Granted, I think Caroline Kennedy would be much better than exhibit B, I think we should appoint someone who is qualified in their own right, not simply because they were born in Camelot.
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