You just shouldn't have roundabouts in the U.S. There are far too many of them in the Boston area. No one knows how to use them, and it turns into a vehicular hot mess. If you tried to inch in at a roundabout in Quito or Paris (for example) like they do here, you would be stuck there for quite possibly the rest of your short life (reason for untimely death: starvation, exposure, and/or angry mobs behind you).
How are the Vikings 4-1? I'm not complaining, but I'm not sure I quite believe it.
My social Columbus Day weekend included seeing Peter and Michael Nelson, Maria Cathcart, Britta King, and Hannah Anderson. I think I saw more people I know in the last two days than I have in the previous six weeks of being in Boston. It also included my first time to the North End and Davis Square. The North End is where all the Italian restaurants are, and we (Peter and Michael's family came down and took us out!) went to Regina's, which is to Boston as Lou Malnati's/Giordano's is to Chicago. We capped the evening out with a few cannoli from a local bakery. Also, I didn't know Boston had a Lincoln Square, but they do, and it is called Davis Square. I think I could live there.
And my social calendar continues to fill up! This Thursday I'm headed down to Cromwell, CT to visit Andrew and Alicia Sturdy! I'm very much looking forward to relaxing with old friends, and I'll have to see the Freeman family too! (And maybe use more exclamation points!!)!!
If you're going to use comic sans for your business signs, it tells me that you've let yourself go. I'll start filling out the paperwork for your imminent bankruptcy while you throw some plywood up over the windows, and we can call it a day. Also, I have to look up imminent/eminent/immanent every time I use it because I never can remember which is which. During my thesis defense, one of my readers (a prominent homiletician at North Park) noted that I had used the wrong one throughout my thesis. It was a proud moment.
During this season of great division in our country - republicans vs. democrats, rich vs. poor, Wall Street vs. Sesame Street - we stand united around one basic principle: Go Orioles!
Speaking of Sesame Street vs. Wall Street:
That's just funny...and a little sad, as PBS takes up .012% of the federal budget. That's like saying your going to lose weight by giving up the parsley garnishes on your dinner plate. I mean, technically you are eating less! You know who else is for cutting PBS? Him:
Well, while that was enjoyable for me, it took up a little too much of my time. Time to go for a run and hit the books! Later.
I love Davis Square! If you go back, go to Dave's Fresh Pasta. Delish.
ReplyDeleteOh my gosh. I was having a pretty hard morning, but that "people who are for cutting PBS" just MADE. MY. DAY. I was laughing so hard that tears were streaming down my face. Also, Kyle says you should write for the daily show.
ReplyDeleteHave so much fun with the Sturdys! And tell them we say hi!
I know! Comic sans: for shame!